Hello! Welcome to our first blog post on our newly revamped website!

We hope you like our new website which we have designed to make it more user friendly, making it easier to find what you are looking for. Our new site is now also compatible with tablets and smart phones to allow you to keep in touch with our latest news while on the go!

We will be updating this blog on a regular basis to keep you up-to-date with all the new and exciting things happening at ARS Anglian Diesels Ltd, as well as this we will also be writing about frequently asked questions about our products.

Why not take a moment to explore our new website, and be sure to check back regularly for more information about our products and services, as well as our latest news.

If you have any questions about our new site, or any other matter then please get in touch via our contact us section or by:


Telephone: 01924 332492

Email: sales@arsangliandiesels.co.uk